
By sub­scrib­ing to pod­casts, you can take some of Grace Bible Church with you!

Gen­er­al Pod­cast Feed (includes sermons): 


      Ser­mon Only Feed (ser­mons only): 


Pod­cast­ing Appli­ca­tions / Instructions:

iTunes Soft­ware (Mac, iPad, iPod or Windows):

Free, available here:  http://www.apple.com/itunes/download/
In iTunes, to subscribe to a podcast: Select Advanced, then Subscribe to Podcast.  In the box that asks for a URL, type or paste in the appropriate link URL.

Zune Soft­ware (Win­dows, Win­dows Phone, XBox):

Free, available here: http://www.zune.net/
In Zune software, to subscribe to a podcast: Under Collections, Select Podcasts, then click on “Add a Podcast”, then type or paste in the appropriate link URL.

Android (tablet or smart phone):

In the Google Play store — look for Podcasting apps. One that works well is Dogg Catcher
Available here: https://play.google.com/store/search?q=Doggcatcher
Once you have the app on your phone/tablet — the process to subscribe is similar. Under Feeds, click on the plus sign (+) to add a feed, and type or paste in the appropriate link URL.