CEF’s World Day of Prayer

11/01/2017 @ 7:00 am – 9:00 am
Grace Bible Church
403 Rockcroft St
Port Charlotte, FL 33954
Nathan Frook

Novem­ber 1st is CEF’s World Day of Prayer event where we will take the day to pray for our staff, vol­un­teers, min­istry, and more.  I am tak­ing part of this day to pray for my sup­port team, and I would love to know how I can pray for you specif­i­cal­ly!  If yo have any prayer requests, could you please respond and share them with me so I can pray for you?

This event is open to every­one, not just CEF staff.  If you’re inter­est­ed in attend­ing this event per­son­al­ly, I will be at Grace Bible Church with some of our local staff and vol­un­teers from 7am to 9am.  Cof­fee and break­fast will be pro­vid­ed!  If you would like to join us in prayer but are not able to attend, we will have a prayer guide that I can send to you if you would like.

Thank you and I look for­ward to hear­ing back from you!

Nathan Frook
Assis­tant Local Coördinator
Child Evan­ge­lism Fel­low­ship of Flori­da, South­west Chapter